Good packaging design catches the eye – but also the imagination. Elements such as artwork, shape, material, and size all play a significant role in packaging. Achieving harmony among these elements while aligning them with your brand is crucial for creating an effective package. Let’s explore the key elements that contribute to good packaging design.

The Importance of Good Packaging

Good packaging is more than just a container for a product; it is a vital marketing tool. Effective packaging can convert potential buyers into customers by making a product stand out on the shelf and resonate with consumers. At Print Monkey, we understand the power of great packaging design and work closely with our clients to ensure their packaging reflects their brand’s identity and values.

What Makes Packaging Attractive?

Understanding what makes packaging attractive is essential. While attractiveness is subjective, companies can create appealing packaging by understanding their target audience. This involves thorough market research and customer profiling to determine what their consumers find attractive. Here are some universal aspects of attractive packaging:


The physical form of packaging is the first thing a consumer notices. Whether it’s angular, curved, tall, or squat, the shape should be practical and eye-catching. The shape can influence the consumer’s perception of the product’s quality and usability.


The material used for packaging not only affects the product’s protection but also its perception. Common materials include glass, cardboard, plastic, and wood. The choice of material should reflect the brand’s values and the product’s positioning in the market. High-quality materials can convey luxury, while sustainable materials can appeal to environmentally conscious consumers.


The imagery and typography on packaging play a significant role in its attractiveness. This includes the color scheme, fonts, and graphics. While the artwork should align with the brand’s identity, there should also be room for creativity to make the packaging stand out.

How Do You Make Packaging Stand Out?

Standing out in a crowded marketplace requires distinctiveness, often referred to as “shelf impact.” Here are some ways to achieve this:

Innovative Shapes

Experimenting with new shapes can make packaging stand out. A unique shape that still serves its function can catch a consumer’s eye. However, practicality should not be sacrificed for uniqueness.

Material Choices

Using unexpected materials or combining different materials can create a distinctive look. For example, combining cardboard with a transparent plastic window can give a sneak peek of the product inside, enticing consumers.

Bold Artwork

Bold and vibrant colors, large fonts, and striking graphics can make packaging pop. However, the artwork should not be cluttered. Simplicity often works best, ensuring that the essential information is communicated clearly.

Characteristics of Good Packaging

Distinctiveness is crucial, but it is not the only characteristic of good packaging. Here are other essential attributes:


The primary purpose of packaging is to protect the product. Good packaging should be durable and secure, ensuring the product reaches the consumer in perfect condition. It should also be easy to open, use, and reseal if necessary.


Clear and straightforward packaging helps consumers understand what the product is and how it can benefit them. Avoid cluttered designs and ensure the product information is easy to read. The packaging should highlight the product’s key features and benefits concisely.


Packaging should be honest and transparent. Misleading consumers with oversized packaging or exaggerated images can damage the brand’s reputation. Authentic packaging builds trust and fosters long-term customer loyalty.

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With growing environmental concerns, sustainable packaging has become a key characteristic of good packaging design. Using recyclable or biodegradable materials and reducing excess packaging can appeal to eco-conscious consumers.

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The Role of Branding in Packaging Design

Packaging is an extension of a brand, and it should reflect the brand’s values, mission, and identity. At Print Monkey, we emphasize the importance of aligning packaging design with the brand. Consistency in color schemes, fonts, and logos across all packaging helps in reinforcing brand recognition and loyalty.


Consistent packaging design helps in creating a strong brand identity. Consumers should be able to recognize the brand instantly through its packaging. This consistency should be maintained across all products and packaging variations.

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Good packaging tells a story. It can convey the brand’s heritage, values, and the product’s journey from creation to consumption. Engaging packaging can create an emotional connection with consumers, making them more likely to purchase the product.

Case Study: Print Monkey’s Approach to Packaging Design

At Print Monkey, we approach each packaging design project uniquely, understanding the client’s brand and product first. We believe in the power of bespoke designs tailored to the brand’s identity and the product’s market segment. Here are some steps we follow:

Client Understanding

We start by understanding the client’s brand, values, and target audience. This helps in creating a design that resonates with the consumers and stands out in the market.

Market Research

Thorough market research helps in identifying trends, consumer preferences, and competitor strategies. This information is crucial for creating packaging that is both relevant and distinctive.

Design Development

We develop multiple design concepts, experimenting with shapes, materials, and artwork. These concepts are then refined based on client feedback and further market insights.


Creating prototypes allows us to test the packaging designs’ functionality and appeal. Prototyping helps in identifying any potential issues and making necessary adjustments before final production.

Final Production

Once the design is finalized, we oversee the production process to ensure the packaging meets the highest quality standards. Our goal is to deliver packaging that not only looks great but also performs well in protecting and promoting the product.


Good packaging design is a blend of art and science. It requires creativity to make the packaging attractive and distinct, and it requires practical considerations to ensure functionality and clarity. 

At Print Monkey, we strive to create packaging that not only catches the eye but also captures the imagination, aligning with the brand and resonating with consumers. By understanding the key elements of good packaging design, brands can create packages that stand out, build trust, and drive sales.