Packaging design is one of the important aspects of a product that can attract or detract customers. If the packaging is not well-designed and unique, customers are unlikely to purchase the product.

However, an exquisite and classy package lures customers towards it. Hence, packaging design serves as a powerful sales and marketing tool. In today’s extremely competitive environment where hundreds of companies are producing the same product, the packaging is the only factor that can give you a hand over your competitors.

Let us take a look at what type of packaging designs are blooming in the industry this year.

1. Minimalism is the key

Minimalism is the new trend in today’s world. The majority of people prefer buying gift boxes that look simple yet classy. Packaging is the first impression you will leave on your customer. According to the famous saying,’ the first impression is the last impression,’ your design must be minimalistic and up to the mark. Simple packaging will also help your product to be clearly visible and stand out.

Minimalism seems easy but can be challenging to achieve. Try to use patterns and colours that go well together and deliver a strong message. Bright, flashy colours often tend to detract customers. Nude and natural colours, such as beige, off-white, tea-pink, peach, or light brown, are the new cool. They will also help you achieve minimalism. Make your product packaging sophisticated and attractive by following this trend.

2. Green Packaging

One of the top trending styles is eco-friendly packaging. In today’s world, where global warming is rising, people try hard to adopt environmentally friendly practices. Give them alternatives to plastic gift boxes—for example, cardboard pouches, algae-based plastic, or mushroom Styrofoam. By promoting sustainability, these materials attract customers to a great extent and will also spread a positive message about your company to others.

3. Retro Packaging

Some designs are so eye-catching that they never go out of style. Retro packaging is the most prominent example. Whether clothes, food, or drinks, vintage-themed designs always satisfy customers. Retro packaging gives a homely feel taking customers back to their sweet memories. There is no shame in sticking to our roots, especially when it comes to vintage style and design. Gift boxes with a retro packaging-a combination that can never go wrong for your company!

4. Hand-made designs and illustrations

Recently, hand-made product packaging has also been popular among customers. With natural textures such as wood, paper, flowers, and paint, packaging provides a homely feel to customers. Earthy, organic, and natural tones are considered aesthetic and preferred especially for gift packages since they provide a personalised touch.

Hand-made illustrations, including collages, brush strokes, line art, and geometric and 3D designs, are dominating in 2022. They make the product more fun and appealing, especially for younger children. You can also use illustrations to let your customers know your brand story. This will allow you to transform the illustrations and collages into a clever marketing tool.

5. Personalised designs

Customisation has become one of the leading marketing trends in the world today. With excessive competition, customers select their products through careful consideration. You can personalise colours, images, or messages on the packaging as per your customers’ demands. This will not only attract customers to you but will help in maintaining a long-lasting relationship. Moreover, if you are a brand that caters to different audiences, you can use customised packaging for each market.

Looking for gift boxes?

Do you want to purchase durable, high-quality gift boxes, but nothing seems to catch your attention? Rest assured, as Print Monkey has got your back! 

We specialise in producing an array of boxes for gifts. Being one of the most trusted packaging and printing companies, we will satisfy your needs and transform your transaction into an outstanding marketing opportunity for you. Make the best decision of your life and place your order now!

Call us, email us or fill out the contact form to get a personalised quote.